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What We Do

In collaboration with Donna Moore, John Allen and Anna Lawrence, The Big Camera! is an ongoing project: a modified enclosed cargo trailer that functions as an extra large format camera (6' x 10' to be precise) as well as a portable darkroom and community outreach vehicle for A1 LabArtsThe Big Camera! was made possible through the Ann and Steve Bailey Opportunity Grant. The group has taught classes or demonstrated photography in places such as The Emporium Arts Center, Central Filling Station, The Public Defenders Community Law Office Youth Program, Knox Makers and Knox County Schools. The Big Camera! is intended to share the magic of photography though making its principles hands-on, allowing photography to come alive in a new way for many who encounter it. The Big Camera's form is a throwback to historical ways of working in photography, which often required on site processing in vehicles such as wagons. There is no better way, perhaps, to understand a subject than by becoming fully immersed in it, and in this case that means, literally entering into a life sized camera!  Look for us on the road near you soon...

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